mara wilson height

Mara Wilson Height: Matilda’s Growth Metrics

Standing at a petite 5 feet tall, Mara Wilson has captured the hearts of audiences with her talent and charm. Her height has been a topic of interest for fans and critics alike, especially as it relates to her iconic role as Matilda.

Mara Wilson’s height has played a significant role in shaping her career, particularly in her portrayal of the beloved character Matilda. The height of the actress was a crucial consideration in bringing the character to life on screen, emphasizing Matilda’s youth and innocence. Wilson’s height added an authentic touch to the character, making her portrayal even more memorable.

While some may view Wilson’s height as a limitation in Hollywood where stature often plays a defining role, Mara has proven that talent and charisma outweigh any physical attributes. Her success as an actress and author has shown that one’s height does not define their abilities or potential in the entertainment industry.

In a world where height often dictates one’s opportunities and perceptions, Mara Wilson has defied stereotypes and proven that talent knows no bounds. Through her work on screen and off, Wilson continues to inspire others to embrace their unique qualities and pursue their passions relentlessly.

What is Mara Wilson’s Height?

Mara Wilson, known for her roles in popular films such as Matilda and Mrs. Doubtfire, stands at a height of 5 feet 2 inches. Despite her petite stature, Wilson has made a big impact in Hollywood with her acting talents and charming personality. To learn more about Mara Wilson’s height and her successful career in the entertainment industry, keep reading.

Being a child star comes with its own set of challenges, and one of them is dealing with the scrutiny that comes with fame. Mara Wilson, the actress who captured our hearts as Matilda in the 1996 film of the same name, is no stranger to this. One of the questions that fans often have about Mara is regarding her height.

Mara Wilson stands at a height of 5 feet 0 inches, or 152 cm. This puts her in the average height range for women in the United States. While she may not tower over others, Mara’s talent and presence on screen have made her a memorable figure in Hollywood.

It’s important to note that height is just one aspect of a person’s physical appearance and should not define them as a performer or individual. Mara Wilson has proven time and time again that her talent and charisma far outweigh any physical attributes.

For fans who are curious about Mara Wilson’s height, rest assured that she may be petite in stature, but she is a giant when it comes to leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

How tall is Mara Wilson?

Mara Wilson is 5 feet 0 inches (152.4 cm) tall.

Is Mara Wilson taller or shorter than the average height?

Mara Wilson is shorter than the average height for adult females in the United States, which is around 5 feet 4 inches (162.6 cm).

Did Mara Wilson’s height have any impact on her role in Matilda?

No, Mara Wilson’s height did not have any impact on her role in Matilda. The character Matilda was a young girl, so her height was appropriate for the role.


In conclusion, Mara Wilson’s height has been a topic of interest for fans and followers. Standing at 5 feet 1 inch tall, she is considered petite but has never let her height hold her back in her career. Despite being shorter than average, Mara Wilson has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry with her talent and charisma. She has proven that height is not a determining factor in achieving success.

Additionally, Mara Wilson has been open and vocal about body positivity and self-acceptance, encouraging others to embrace their unique traits and not let societal norms dictate their worth. Her confidence and self-assurance serve as an inspiration to many who may struggle with insecurities about their height or physical appearance. Overall, Mara Wilson’s height is just one aspect of who she is, and it does not define her as a person or limit her potential for achieving greatness.